Cod black ops 4 multiplayer guns
Cod black ops 4 multiplayer guns

cod black ops 4 multiplayer guns

Unless additional Ammo is purchased in the loadout, each round you will only be provided with one magazine for your weapon, making those additional Ammo packs essential.With no respawns allowed during each round, ensuring that you always have at least one health pack on you at once can be vital to your team’s success.For this reason, ensure that you always pick up any Health and Ammo stashes that you may find scattered across the map. Ammunition and Health are key to surviving each round, especially since both supplies are very limited and hard to come by.If you don’t want to spend your cash on an item that you will not use, save it for the later rounds to make those rather expensive upgrades much more affordable. When spending your cash, make sure you consider all possible options.Try to save your initial $500 for Round 2, as chances are most of your opponents will be using their pistols during the first round too.Purchasing Body Armor is a must, as protection from those extra few shots could be the difference between winning and losing a round.Hang back and take out your enemies one by one for the best results.

cod black ops 4 multiplayer guns cod black ops 4 multiplayer guns

Take it slow and don't rush the cash bag.Stick together with your teammates and ensure that your loadouts compliment one another, especially when it comes to selecting your equipment.Much like most strategical game modes in Call of Duty, communication is vital to your team's success in the Heist.The Best Tips For Destroying Your Opponents In The New Heist Game Mode Your vision on the mini map is clouded by the Fog of War unless you have specific tools to reveal parts of the area you're not in, like Recon's Sensor Dart.

Cod black ops 4 multiplayer guns